View looking north along the New Rd perimeter

The Friends of the Glenfern Green Wedge (FGGW) dates back to 2010 when the Green Wedge land at 157-173 Glenfern Road in Upper Ferntree Gully, became the subject of an application for subdivision. The land on Ferny Creek is bounded by New Road, Waters Avenue and Glenfern Road. The FGGW was Incorporated in April 2012 to achieve the preservation and management of the Green Wedge land.
As a result of community and Knox Council opposition to the initial plans for development in 2010, two VCAT cases ensued and the subdivision of the 77 acre property was reduced from seven to five house lots. Permission to build on the floodplain was denied. Ten acres were donated for the creation of a public reserve which was handed over to council in 2014 (for more details see our "Campaigns" page). The reserve is managed by Knox Council and Melbourne Water with input from the Friends of the Glenfern Green Wedge. Dr Graeme Lorimer produced a formal Landscape Plan in 2015 and in 2016, Melbourne Water began the process of weed removal on Ferny Creek. In 2017 Knox Council undertook major revegetation plantings in the riparian area of Ferny Creek.
During the campaign to save the Green Wedge, the FGGW established a pledge campaign to raise funds in what proved to be an unsuccessful attempt to buy one or more lots of the subdivision, to be added to the area of public reserve. As the reserve developed the nature and activities of the FGGW evolved from a political lobbying group fighting the development, to include more traditional "friends group" activities such as
working on revegetating, weeding, protecting and cultivating indigenous flora and fauna, managing the river corridor and caring for the aboriginal heritage sites on this unique property.
The property is situated on Ferny Creek in the spectacular setting of the Dandenong Ranges National Park, the Gilmour Park Retarding Basin, the Glenfern Vallley Bushlands and the Lysterfield Valley. It forms part of an extensive wildlife corridor and supports rare and endangered flora and fauna (details can be found on our "About Glenfern Green Wedge" page). The Glenfern Green Wedge property is one of many Green Wedge areas throughout Metropolitan Melbourne currently under threat and the FGGW remain committed to fight for the broader Green Wedge land surrounding Melbourne. These areas create vital wildlife corridors, provide agricultural land and open space for communities, protect environmentally sensitive areas and remnant indigenous vegetation, and function as the "lungs of Melbourne". In Knox, there are currently eight areas zoned as Green Wedge (located in Chandler, Dobson, and Taylor Wards).
In 2011 the FGGW made submission to Knox Council requesting the inclusion of a Green Wedge Management Plan in the budget, and eventually a management plan was included in the 2012-13 budget. A management plan is essential to ensure that properties such as the Glenfern Green Wedge are managed appropriately and protected for future generations to enjoy.
In 2017 the FGGW lodged a Freedom on information request to ascertain details of the sewerage system of the first housing development and ensure that it was in compliance with the environmental conditions of the VCAT decisions. The FGGW will continue to fight for the best environmental outcomes in the Green Wedge and the reserve.
As a result of community and Knox Council opposition to the initial plans for development in 2010, two VCAT cases ensued and the subdivision of the 77 acre property was reduced from seven to five house lots. Permission to build on the floodplain was denied. Ten acres were donated for the creation of a public reserve which was handed over to council in 2014 (for more details see our "Campaigns" page). The reserve is managed by Knox Council and Melbourne Water with input from the Friends of the Glenfern Green Wedge. Dr Graeme Lorimer produced a formal Landscape Plan in 2015 and in 2016, Melbourne Water began the process of weed removal on Ferny Creek. In 2017 Knox Council undertook major revegetation plantings in the riparian area of Ferny Creek.
During the campaign to save the Green Wedge, the FGGW established a pledge campaign to raise funds in what proved to be an unsuccessful attempt to buy one or more lots of the subdivision, to be added to the area of public reserve. As the reserve developed the nature and activities of the FGGW evolved from a political lobbying group fighting the development, to include more traditional "friends group" activities such as
working on revegetating, weeding, protecting and cultivating indigenous flora and fauna, managing the river corridor and caring for the aboriginal heritage sites on this unique property.
The property is situated on Ferny Creek in the spectacular setting of the Dandenong Ranges National Park, the Gilmour Park Retarding Basin, the Glenfern Vallley Bushlands and the Lysterfield Valley. It forms part of an extensive wildlife corridor and supports rare and endangered flora and fauna (details can be found on our "About Glenfern Green Wedge" page). The Glenfern Green Wedge property is one of many Green Wedge areas throughout Metropolitan Melbourne currently under threat and the FGGW remain committed to fight for the broader Green Wedge land surrounding Melbourne. These areas create vital wildlife corridors, provide agricultural land and open space for communities, protect environmentally sensitive areas and remnant indigenous vegetation, and function as the "lungs of Melbourne". In Knox, there are currently eight areas zoned as Green Wedge (located in Chandler, Dobson, and Taylor Wards).
In 2011 the FGGW made submission to Knox Council requesting the inclusion of a Green Wedge Management Plan in the budget, and eventually a management plan was included in the 2012-13 budget. A management plan is essential to ensure that properties such as the Glenfern Green Wedge are managed appropriately and protected for future generations to enjoy.
In 2017 the FGGW lodged a Freedom on information request to ascertain details of the sewerage system of the first housing development and ensure that it was in compliance with the environmental conditions of the VCAT decisions. The FGGW will continue to fight for the best environmental outcomes in the Green Wedge and the reserve.

The aims of the Friends of Glenfern Green Wedge are:
· To protect and enhance the biodiversity of indigenous flora and fauna on the Ferny Creek reserve, including
the preservation and propagation of remnant vegetation.
· To unite all stakeholders to achieve beneficial goals for the environment and the community and ensure sound
and sustainable management of the reserve.
· To protect and enhance the GGW reserve as a community space and asset for current and future generations.
Our supporters include:
Knox Environment Society
Knox Council
The Green Wedge Coalition
Environment Victoria
Save the Dandenongs League
Southern Ranges Landcare Group
Bob Brown (former Senator and Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Greens)
Samantha Dunn (Greens Councillor, Shire of Yarra Ranges)
· To protect and enhance the biodiversity of indigenous flora and fauna on the Ferny Creek reserve, including
the preservation and propagation of remnant vegetation.
· To unite all stakeholders to achieve beneficial goals for the environment and the community and ensure sound
and sustainable management of the reserve.
· To protect and enhance the GGW reserve as a community space and asset for current and future generations.
Our supporters include:
Knox Environment Society
Knox Council
The Green Wedge Coalition
Environment Victoria
Save the Dandenongs League
Southern Ranges Landcare Group
Bob Brown (former Senator and Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Greens)
Samantha Dunn (Greens Councillor, Shire of Yarra Ranges)
We would like to acknowledge that our logo was created for free at